Lanier College and Career Academy’s mission is to provide a caring learning environment for students in order to enable them to become self-sufficient adults and contributing members of our society.
Lanier College and Career Academy (LCCA) works to equip our students with the skills necessary to transition into a post-secondary program and/or the world of work.
LCCA centers on the philosophy of “LCCA Students Are Career Ready.”
The faculty and staff envision that students will:
- Make positive personal and educational choices;
- Understand and practice employability skills through workforce development
- Acknowledge the importance of education;
- Attain an exiting credential in order to further future learning and advancement.
School Beliefs
Each student is a valued individual with physical, social, emotional, and intellectual strengths and basic needs. The school functions as a learning organization while promoting and incorporating opportunities for all who have a stake in education; therefore, parents, students, teachers, administrators, support staff, and community share equal responsibility for advancing student learning.
Students behave more appropriately and are more willing participants in the learning process when they have focused behaviors and have strong, positive, mutually respectful relationships with teachers, administrators, and support staff. Students learn in different ways and should be provided with a variety of instructional approaches so that they can apply their learning in meaningful contexts, produce quality work, and make appropriate choices.
The commitment to continuous improvement is imperative and our school strives to enable students to become confident, self-directed lifelong learners.
Helping students understand cultural diversity can increase students’ understanding of cultures of different people while promoting acceptance and appreciation of the differences and similarities among cultures.
Students will develop specific goals for postsecondary education and employment. The workforce development curriculum includes leadership, personal accountability, teamwork, discipline, creative thinking, problem-solving, attitude and respect, professionalism, work habits, and time management. These character traits are embedded in the mission of LCCA.
What We Offer Our Students
Lanier College and Career Academy (LCCA) was created response to an increasing need of the Hall County community in the areas of:
- Hospitality & Tourism Pathway
- Culinary Arts Pathway
- Marketing Communications and Promotions Pathway
- Agricultural Mechanics & Metal Fabrication Pathways
- HVACR & Electrical Pathways
- Carpentry Pathway
- Personal Care Services Cosmetology Pathway
Funded through a variety of grants and other funding sources, the school is a state-of-the-art facility unlike any other high school in the nation. Students at LCCA earn a variety of professional certifications and industry credentials that are sought after within the business and industry sectors.
The facility is a blend of student-run business enterprises open to the public, while also including industry-certified classrooms for instruction.
Dual Enrollment Opportunities
Students have the unique opportunity to earn technical certificates of credit designed to
meet the workforce planning needs of Northeast Georgia. These programs, offered in
partnership with Lanier Technical College, ensure students graduate career ready:
- Basic Shielded Metal Arc Welder
- Criminal Justice Specialist
- Early Childhood Care & Education Basics
- Esthetics
- Event Coordinator
- Food Production Worker I
- Industrial Electrician
- Prep Cook
- Shampoo Technician
Benefits to Students
Lanier College and Career Academy (LCCA) provides many benefits to our students:
- College and Career Pathways reflect a wide range student aptitude and interest.
- Academic programs focus on preparing students for entry into the workplace, career-technical programs, and college.
- Strong relationship with Lanier Technical College brings a variety of opportunities for students to obtain certifications and industry credentials as well as college credits while still in high school.
- College and Career Readiness preparation begins with career aptitude exploration via YouScience and extends into programs of study for our CTE programs.
- Expanded programs of study with an internship focus serve as a pipeline for postsecondary success and in-demand careers.
- Internship / Work-Based Learning Opportunities allow students to take what is learned in classroom/labs and apply to real world experience.
- Our instructors utilize advisory boards, business and industry contacts to connect students to experiences such as job shadow, internships, apprenticeships and paid work-based learning opportunities.
- Student Relationships are a cornerstone of the culture of LCCA.
- Instructors focus time to address student social emotional needs in hopes of building meaningful relationships with and among students and staff.